Compustat is a comprehensive database with standardized, historical and point-in-time data, with flexible delivery options to power the quantitative research and analysis. For most companies, annual history is available back to 1950 and quarterly history back to 1962 with monthly market history back to 1962.
【Date】1950 - current
- North America
- Global (non-U.S. & non-Canadian)
【Provider】S&P Global
【Retrieval Platform】WRDS / Capital IQ
【Full Access】(Queries) Data
【Download Data】(WRDS)
- Fixed-Width or Tab-Delimited Text (.txt)
- Excel (.xlsx) / comma-delimited text (.csv)
- HTML Table (.htm) / dBase (.dbf)
- SAS (.sas7bdat) / STATA (.dta) / SPSS (.sav)
- Choose Compression Type: zip (.zip) / gzip (.gz)
- Choose Date Format
【Data Source】
- Publicly available documents: company filings, annual reports, press releases
- Market data is provided by the 3rd party market data aggregator.
【Data Coverage】
( North America & Global ) ▼
- Fundamentals Annual / Quarterly
- Index Constituents
- Index Prices
- Security Daily
( Only North America ) ▼
- Index Fundamentals
- Industry Specific Annual / Quarterly
- Pension Annual / Quarterly
- Ratings
- Security Monthly
- Segments (Non-Historical & Historical)
- Segments - Customer (Non-Historical & Historical)
- Supplemental Short Interest
- Simplified Financial Statement
- Financial Ratios (Firm and Industry Levels)
【Data Query】Web Query Forms