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Covers statistical data on the socio-economic situation and external trade performance of China.

Intro 简介


SOSHOO means literally in Chinese search for numerical data. The English version SOSHOO is based on the Chinese SOSHOO. The statistical data covering all aspects of social and economic development can be easily queried in English for the China national level and at provincial or municipal level for 31 Chinese provinces and municipalities.

【内容语言】中文 / 英文

【收录年限】1985年 - 至今



【开放访问】(HTML) 统计数据 / 数字新闻

【下载数据】Excel / HTML


  • 统计年鉴
  • 其他权威机构统计资料 


  • 大陆统计数据
  • 港台统计数据
  • 大陆统计文献
  • 统计词典
  • 中国省级行政区域及主要城市年度核心指标


  • 统计表格查询
  • 核心统计指标查询 
  • 统计资料来源查询 


行政区划 / 自然资源 / 宏观综合 / 个人收入 / 城市概况 / 对外经贸 / 法律公证 / 批发零售 / 邮电通讯 / 医疗卫生 / 社会福利 / 生活消费 / 企业事业 / 环境保护 / 信息产业 / 工业经济 / 食品副食 / 纺织服装 / 工业物资 / 交通运输 / 电子电器 / 化工石化 / 第三产业 / 农业经济 / 养殖畜牧 / 水产渔业 / 农业基建 / 农用物资 / 公用事业 / 农业机械 / 建筑地产 / 旅游餐饮 / 种植业 / 人口 / 林业 / 能源 / 轻工 / 气象 / 就业 / 投资 / 科技 / 教育 / 副业 / 基建 


【Language】Chinese / English

【Date】1985 - current


【Provider】Jingxun Yundun Data Software

【Full Access】(HTML) Statistics

【Download Data】Excel / HTML

【Data Source】

  • Statistical Yearbooks
  • from Authoritative Institutions

【Data Coverage】

Cover all aspects of social and economic development, for the China national level, at provincial or municipal level for 31 Chinese provinces and municipalities, and to the most important 50 cities.

【Data Query】by Keywords / Area / Sector


Agricultural Infrastructure / Administrative Divisions / Agricultural Machinery / Agricultural Materials / Aquaculture Fisheries / Agricultural Economy / Breeding Livestock / City Overview / Chemical Petrochemical / Construction / Real Estate / Consumption / Comprehensive Macroscopic / Education / Enterprises / Employment / Energy / Electrical and Electronic / Environmental Protection / Foreign Trade / Forestry / Farming / Health / Information Industry / Industrial Supplies / Investment / Infrastructure / Industrial Economy / Light Industry / Meteorological / Natural Resources / Notarial / Non-Staple Food / Population / Postal & Telecom / Personal Income / Sideline / Social Welfare / Transportation / Technology / Tourism and Catering / Textile and Apparel / The Tertiary Industry / Utilities / Wholesale and Retail
