LSEG offers a foundational certification covering core functionality within LSEG Workspace, designed to get you started. The certification allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of a product that is used widely in the industry by financial market professionals. Using our on-demand learning catalogue, you can upskill and prepare at your own pace, with a final test that is accessible online for you to self-register for and take at a time that suits you.
This certification is free for all users of LSEG Workspace and is most recommended for students and individuals beginning careers in Investment Banking. It will broaden your knowledge of the tools used by financial markets professionals.
Theme: Study how to access unmatched financial data, news and content coverage in a highly customised workflow experience using Workspace.
Agenda: There are three training modules >> Overview
1. LSEG Workspace >> Start
2. Eikon >> Start
3. DataStream >> Start
Language: English
★ For the first time learning, please register using your CEIBS email address!