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Guide for Alumni: Home


Welcome to the CEIBS Library Guide
for Alumni Resources and Services

CEIBS library offers much more besides being a place where you go to read. We hope that this guide can help you to discover the assistance you can get from us.



Ebook Central-ProQuest

Founded in 1999, ProQuest Ebook Central provides you with over 14,000 titles of academic eBooks (1980s-Present) from top publishers.

Please log on with your CEIBS alumni account.


Longyuan Chinese Magazines

It offers 100+ titles of current and archive issues of Chinese magazines, which covers the political, economical news, arts & history etc.

Please follow our library‘s WeChat (ID: CEIBSLibrary) to read them on your mobile devices.


National Social Sciences Database (NSSD)

The database collects over 2,000 academic journals, more than 10 million papers, over 1 million scholar introductions and 21,000 research institution information. 

If you are off campus, please feel free to register a personal user account to login for downloading articles.

Book Recommendations

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Library Service

CEIBS Alumni who want to borrow books from the Library's collection may apply for the CEIBS Alumni library account.

Contact Us

CEIBS Library Shanghai


Building hours: 8:30-24:00 (GMT+8)

Reference and circulation hours: 8:30-21:50 (GMT+8)

Please scan your alumni e-card from iCampusPlus or physical card to enter and exit the library.


Tel: +86 21 2890 5248

CEIBS Book Bar Beijing


Please contact the front desk for book circulation issues.

Library Opening Hours:

MON-SUN,10:00-17:00 (GMT+8)


Tel: +86 10 8290 6630

CEIBS Book Bar Shenzhen


Please contact the front desk for book circulation issues. 

Library Opening Hours:

MON-FRI, 9:00-17:00 (GMT+8)

SAT-SUN, Closed if no course.


Tel: +86 755 3699 5111



Library WeChat

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