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CEIBS Scholarly Publications 中欧学术著作

Introduction 介绍

CEIBS has an international faculty body with diverse perspectives and local understanding. Our faculty works at the forefront of innovative scientific research while undertaking their heavy teaching loads. Since its foundation in 1994, CEIBS has produced excellent research results that clearly demonstrate the characteristics and development of business studies. The guide displays the latest books, articles, case studies, reports and working paper authored or edited by faculty members and academic staff during their time at CEIBS. Welcome to enjoy CEIBS’ impressive academic results and experience the school’s rich intellectual atmosphere, thus inspiring more enthusiasm for learning and creating knowledge!


Books 图书

For more details, please visit CEIBS Institutional Repository-Books

更多图书,欢迎访问 中欧机构知识库-图书

Journal Articles 期刊文章

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For more details, please visit CEIBS Institutional Repository-Journal Articles

更多期刊文章,欢迎访问 中欧机构知识库-期刊文章

Case Studies 案例

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For more details, please visit CEIBS Institutional Repository-Case Studies

更多期刊文章,欢迎访问 中欧机构知识库-案例

Research Reports 研究报告

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For more details, please visit CEIBS Institutional Repository-Research Reports

更多研究报告,欢迎访问 中欧机构知识库-研究报告

Working Papers 工作论文

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For more details, please visit CEIBS Institutional Repository-Working Papers

更多工作论文,欢迎访问 中欧机构知识库-工作论文

CEIBS Research & Case Centres 中欧研究中心/案例中心

Research Areas  研究领域

Research Centres  研究中心

CEIBS Think Tank  中欧智库

  • CEIBS Social Security and Aging Finance Institute  中欧社会保障与养老金融研究院
  • CEIBS Research Centre for Smart Healthcare  中欧智慧医疗研究院
  • CEIBS-Pudong Service Economy Research Centre  中欧•上海市浦东服务经济研究院
  • Centre of Chinese Private Enterprises  中国民营企业研究中心
  • CEIBS Institute of Supply Chain Innovations  中欧供应链创新研究院

CEIBS Case Centre  中欧案例中心

CEIBS Lujiazui International Institute of Finance  中欧陆家嘴国际金融研究院