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Top Business Journals: FT50

Financial Times' Top 50 journals

The list of Financial Times' Top 50 (FT50) journals is based upon survey feedback from business schools participating in the Financial Times MBA, EMBA and online MBA rankings. Financial Times publishes rankings annually, relating to MBA, EMBA and Online MBA programs. These rankings include a research rank, which is calculated according to the number of faculty publications published in FT50 journals.

For more details, please visit 50 Journals used in FT Research Rank.

FT50 Journals (by Subject)

Journal Title Subject Area Publisher
1 Accounting Review Accounting American Accounting Association
2 Accounting, Organizations and Society Accounting Elsevier
3 Contemporary Accounting Research Accounting Wiley / Canadian Academic Accounting Association
4 Journal of Accounting and Economics Accounting Elsevier
5 Journal of Accounting Research Accounting Wiley / University of Chicago
6 Review of Accounting Studies Accounting Springer
7 American Economic Review Economics American Economic Association
8 Econometrica Economics Wiley / Econometric Society
9 Journal of Political Economy Economics University of Chicago Press
10 Quarterly Journal of Economics Economics Oxford University Press / Harvard University
11 Research Policy Economics, Management Elsevier
12 Review of Economic Studies Economics Oxford University Press
13 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Entrepreneurship Sage
14 Journal of Business Venturing Entrepreneurship Elsevier
15 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Entrepreneurship Wiley / Strategic Management Society
16 Journal of Business Ethics Ethics Springer
17 Journal of Finance Finance Wiley / American Finance Association
18 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Finance Cambridge University Press
19 Journal of Financial Economics Finance Elsevier
20 Review of Finance Finance Oxford University Press / European Finance Association
21 Review of Financial Studies Finance Oxford University Press
22 Human Relations Human Resources Sage
23 Human Resource Management Human Resources Wiley
24 Information Systems Research Information Systems INFORMS
25 Journal of Management Information Systems  Information Systems Taylor & Francis
26 MIS Quarterly Information Systems Management Information Systems Research Centre, University of Minnesota
27 Journal of International Business Studies International Business Palgrave Macmillan / Academy of International Business
28 Academy of Management Journal Management Academy of Management
29 Academy of Management Review Management Academy of Management
30 Administrative Science Quarterly Management Sage / Cornell University
31 Harvard Business Review Management Harvard Business Publishing
32 Journal of Management Management Sage
33 Journal of Management Studies Management Wiley / Society for the Advancement of Management Studies
34 Management Science Management INFORMS
35 MIT Sloan Management Review Management MIT Press
36 Strategic Management Journal Management Wiley
37 Journal of Consumer Psychology Marketing Wiley / Society for Consumer Psychology
38 Journal of Consumer Research Marketing Oxford University Press
39 Journal of Marketing Marketing American Marketing Association
40 Journal of Marketing Research Marketing American Marketing Association
41 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Marketing Springer
42 Marketing Science Marketing INFORMS
43 Journal of Operations Management Operations Wiley / Association for Supply Chain Management
44 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Operations INFORMS
45 Operations Research Operations INFORMS
46 Production and Operations Management Operations Sage / Production and Operations Management Society
47 Journal of Applied Psychology Organizational Behaviour American Psychological Association
48 Organization Science Organizational Behaviour INFORMS
49 Organization Studies Organizational Behaviour Sage
50 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Organizational Behaviour Elsevier

FT50 Journals (by Title)

Academy of Management Journal

Academy of Management Review

Accounting, Organizations and Society

 Administrative Science Quarterly

American Economic Review

Contemporary Accounting Research


Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

Harvard Business Review

Human Relations

Human Resource Management

Information Systems Research

Journal of Accounting and Economics

Journal of Accounting Research

Journal of Applied Psychology

Journal of Business Ethics

Journal of Business Venturing

Journal of Consumer Psychology

Journal of Consumer Research

Journal of Finance

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Journal of Financial Economics

Journal of International Business Studies

Journal of Management

Journal of Management Information Systems

Journal of Management Studies

Journal of Marketing

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Operations Management

Journal of Political Economy

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Management Science

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

Marketing Science

MIS Quarterly

Operations Research

Organization Science

Organization Studies

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Production and Operations Management

Quarterly Journal of Economics

Research Policy

Review of Accounting Studies

Review of Economic Studies

Review of Finance

Review of Financial Studies

Sloan Management Review

Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Strategic Management Journal

The Accounting Review