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Course Materials and Fair Use: How to Access to E-Learning Products

A guide to the course materials, including course reserves, business journals, cases, open educational resources and E-Learning products.


The tips on how to access E-learning products such as E-Texts, simulations, and online courses.

VitalSource eBook

How to access VitalSource eBook?

Step 1: Click VitalSource Bookshelf (choose CEIBS as Institution name)

Login Vitalsource Bookshelf by

a. sign in your VitalSource account / CREATE an account (refer to the “Creation of VitalSource Account” Guide);


b. “Continue without an Account”.

Step 2: Agree to the “Terms of Use”.

Step 3: You will enter the VitalSource Bookshelf and see the available ebook. Rollover to the selected ebook and click “Borrow” (Borrow Duration: 3 Hours and it will be returned automatically within 3 hours).

Step 4: All the borrowed items will appear in your “Library”.

Step 5:

a) To read the ebook, click “Open Book”/”Continue Reading” .

b) If you want to return the ebook, click “Return”.

Step 6: When reading the ebook, you can try different functions, e.g. highlight & make note, create flashcard, read aloud etc.

d etc.

Simulations & Online Courses

  • How to get access to simulations or online courses?
    The instructors set up and manage the simulations or online courses in advance. The students sign in the course URL with login info.
    Step 1: Sign in via      

    Step 2: Choose Coursepack and run the course.   


Jingdong eBooks


•   如果您是第一次使用,请先用手机扫码下载 京东读书专业版 App

•   打开京东读书专业版App,点击右上角 注册 按钮,同意协议后,选择学校 “中欧国际工商学院”,用您的中欧账号密码登录。

•   您也可以点击注册图标 Registration Link 注册地址 (Please register with your CEIBS email address. 请用中欧邮箱注册),通过网页注册。

•   注册成功后,请绑定手机号,之后您便可以直接用手机号及验证码登录。

•   除手机 App 登录外,您也可以点击 Database Link 数据库链接 (Please log in with your registered personal account. 请用您注册的个人账号登录),登录网页版京东读书专业版。

>> 登录指南


京东读书专业版 应用下载 Download App 下载应用

How to log in to Jingdong eBooks?

•   If you are a first-time user, please scan the QR code blow to download the professional version of Jingdong eBooks App on your mobile phone.

•   Open App, click the "Register" button in the upper right corner, agree to the agreement, select "China Europe International Business School", and log in using your CEIBS account and password. 

•   You can also click Registration Link 注册地址 (Please register with your CEIBS email address. 请用中欧邮箱注册) and register through the webpage.

•   Bind your mobile phone number, then you can log in directly using your mobile phone number and verification code.

•   Besides logging in to the mobile App, you can also click Database Link 数据库链接 (Please log in with your registered personal account. 请用您注册的个人账号登录) to log in to the web version.

>> Login Guide


Jingdong eBooks App Download Download App 下载应用