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Topic: ESG: Data

Guide on what is ESG, ESG related frameworks and standards, where and how to find ESG data, resources.

ESG Rating Agencies


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Macie Chen


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Databases with ESG Data

ESG Data in Bloomberg

As one of the world's leading financial data providers and a long-time advocate for improving the quality and usefulness of corporate
sustainability disclosures, Bloomberg is a trusted and reliable source for ESG data.

  • 15,000+ companies
  • 100+ countries
  • 93% of global market cap 
  • 5,400+ ESG fields (including Third Party data)
  • 14,000+ companies covered by Bloomberg ESG Scores
  • 130,000+ companies covered for carbon emissions estimates
  • 15+ years of historical data

How to find ESG Data in Bloomberg

  • Overview of ESG Data

To explore all ESG data fields and identify fields most relevant to your analysis, enter ESGD <GO>.

To explore proprietary ESG metrics and scores, enter BESGD <GO>.

To see the Bloomberg ESG Data Coverage Index listing companies currently covered for Bloomberg ESG data, load the BESGPRO Index, then run MEMB <GO>.

To group index members of the Bloomberg ESG Data Index and analyze coverage by key metrics such as country and sector, load BESGPRO Index, then run WATCH <GO>.

  • Company-Reported Data

For company financial filings, annual reports, CSR and ESG reports, and websites, run DS <GO>

  • GHG Emissions (Actuals and Forecasts)

Company-reported scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 data, run FA ESGE <GO> for more.

Company-reported emission reduction targets, run ESGD <GO> and check Climate Change from the ESG Theme filter section.
Estimated absolute missions and carbon intensity for 2030 and 2050 from Bloomberg Intelligence (BI). For more: BI CARBON <GO>.

Historical Greenhouse Gas (GHG) estimates.

  • US Equal Opportunity Data (EEO-1)

To identify the firms who made their EEO-1 reports publicly available in their entirety, enter BI BESGG EEO <GO>


ESG Data in Capital IQ

Business Involvement Screens

Access insights into company participation in business activities related to defense & weapons, energy & fossil fuels, healthcare, and Sin Stocks based on revenue generation or ownership.

Screener > Companies > set Recommended Criteria >go to the ESG Business Involvement Screens


S&P Global offers a diverse range of sustainability measurements and workflow solutions. The themes are a selection of company specific measurements that are essential for measuring performance and progress on sustainability topics. The measurements are derived from a broad ecosystem of proprietary datasets that include corporate sustainability assessments (CSA), environmental and climate risk measurements.

Search the company name > go to the Company Profile > ESG & Climate > Sustainability Overview

ESG Data in Eikon

Eikon provides access to rich ESG data. Refinitiv provides ESG data on over 1,000 private companies and 13,000+ listed companies including many of the primary, global and some regional indices like MSCI World, MSCI Europe, STOXX 600, NASDAQ 100, Russell 1000, S&P 500, FTSE100, ASX 300 and MSCI Emerging Market. In addition, Refinitiv offers anti-takeover defense profiles on 11,000+ public companies with 12,000+ Poison Pill “Events”.

How to find ESG Data in Eikon

  • Overview of ESG Data

To get an overview of ESG data in Eikon, search for 'ESG' in the search box.

  • ESG Data of individual company

Search for a company in the search box, from the Company overview page, click on the 'ESG' tab or select 'Environmental, Social & Governance' from the drop down menu.

  • Sustainability Dashboard shows recent years sustainability data with different charts.
  • ESG statement view provides the ESG details for individual company. 
  • ESG Factsheet  provides overview of the company’s current ESG performance. 
  • ESG Scoring Profile shows ESG scores containing a breakdown.
  • ESG Peer Analysis makes comparison with the company’s industry peers.
  • SFDR relates the ESG data to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations standard.


Use the Screener combined with Data Item Library to identify companies based on specific ESG data variables. 

  • Screener > Add Filter > select 'Environmental, Social & Governance' from the Data Item Library 
  • Screener > 'Unsaved Screens' at the top left corner of the screen > select 'View and Manage all Screens' > search ESG for ESG screen

ESG Data in CEIC

The CEIC includes ESG dataset from local and international data sources from various countries/regions. It consists of over 200 ESG indicators and approximately 82,000 datasets related to ESG from approximately 200 countries/regions.

The data sources include the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which primarily provide comprehensive ESG data. It also includes organizations like Transparency International, the Fund for Peace, the Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Climate Prediction Center (CPC), among others, which provide specialized ESG datasets.

How to find ESG Data in CEIC

You can find marco ESG benchmark data in CEIC, it was mainly included in two databases: CEIC Global Database, World Trend Plus.


ESG Data in WRDS

ESG Data in Eikon

The development of the Green Finance Research Database closely focuses on the core of national policies and includes four major aspects which are green credit, green bond, green operation and carbon finance. Among them, the green credit and green operation section contains the green credit-related data and green operation data of various national banks; the green bond section contains the information of green bonds issued domestically and overseas by domestic entities; and the carbon finance section contains the trading information of seven major domestic carbon emissions exchanges.

The China Resource Research Database mainly includes files of national land and resources, basic condition of land, basic condition of water resources, water supply and consumption, quality assessment of river water resources, basic reserves of major mineral, main energy in each area, energy production and consumption in each area, basic condition of forest resources, product output of national forest industry, average temperature and relative humidity of major cities, precipitation and sunshine hours of major cities, and air quality index in each area, etc.

The Global Warming Research Database collects both global data and China’s data. The global data cover greenhouse gas emissions, CO2 emissions, PM2.5 pollutions, net forest depletion, etc. of over 200 countries in the world; China’s data contain air quality of different cities, industrial waste gas emissions of various regions, forest coverage rate and stock volume, CDM project related data and carbon emissions permit trading data, etc.


ESG Data in WFT

Based on international standards and guidelines including ISO 26000, SDGs, GRI Standards, SASB Standards, TCFD Recommendations, etc., Wind combines the policies and status quo of ESG disclosures of Chinese companies and leverages its strong data collection, analysis and processing capabilities to build a unique ESG rating framework for Chinese companies, known as 'Wind ESG Rating'.

Listed Company Wind ESG Rating (access to the 50 Shanghai SE Index constituent stocks)

Currently cover over 8,000 companies, including all China A-shares and Hong Kong listed companies, and issuers of public offering debentures. Building on the foundation of domestic and international ESG policies and standards, Wind has developed proprietary ESG rating framework, considering the development of Chinese capital market and integrating the characteristics of the Chinese companies in various industries. The ESG score take into effect 3 pillars, 25 issues and 2,000+ data points.

Fund ESG Rating (access to the 50 Shanghai SE Index constituent stocks

Combining global standards with Chinese market and industry characteristics, Wind has launched fund ESG rating and the first domestic carbon footprint rating to provide a comprehensive and traceable fund ESG score and carbon accounting data. Wind also introduced fund ESG classification, fund ESG labels and fund ESG factor series products to meet various application scenarios and needs.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Database (access to the 50 Shanghai SE Index constituent stocks

The database covers all China A-shares, Hong Kong listed companies and bond issuers. Wind constructed calculation model based on frontier research results on carbon data, determined parameters with reference to international benchmarks and the characteristics of Chinese market and industry, and incorporated absolute and relative emission intensity indicators to form the carbon emissions database.


CESG -ESG Database of Listed Company

企业ESG研究数据库:参考了国外知名ESG数据库的设计标准,并且结合我国企业的实际情况,设计了ESG的六个方面: “慈善、志愿者活动以及社会争议”、“公司治理”、“多样化”、“雇员关系”、“环境”以及“产品”,共有58个字段。每个方面都从“优势”和“关注”两个角度设计字段。


ESGR - Rating Database of Listed Company

上市公司ESG评级数据库:基于ISO 26000、GRI Standards、SASB Standards等国际ESG披露标准和国内外知名ESG数据库的设计思路,并结合中国ESG信息披露的相关政策,构建了独特的中国企业的ESG评分体系。覆盖了A股所有上市(不包括已退市和被特别处理公司)。



GEAD - Government Environmental Attention Database




EPRD - Environmental Penalty Research Database




GFRD - Green Finance Research Database



GPRD - Green Patent Research Database


数据来源:世界知识产权局,国家知识产权局和Google Patent

绿色专利研究数据库 , GPRD 对于绿色专利的划分标准完全遵循世界知识产权局的绿色专利标准 包括上市公司、非上市公司、科研机构和地域绿色专利,涵盖绿色专利的申请与授权情况以及被引用情况。

数据来源:国家知识产权局和Google Patent

PRI Academic ESG Data