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GenAI 生成式人工智能: 政策与指南

Guide for Generative AI, AI Literacy

规范与指南 Norms and Guidelines



Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI

European Commission 2024年1月更新











商学院人工智能政策 Policies and Guidelines of Business School

哈佛商学院Harvard Business School 

Harvard University published the Initial guidelines for the use of Generative AI tools at Harvard

MBA Student Handbook provides academic policies relevant to the program, Using ChatGPT & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools has been included in  Academic Standards of Conduct.

  • Protect confidential data.
  • Students are responsible for any content that they produce or publish that includes AI-generated material.
  • Students must cite their use of these AI tools appropriately.
  • Students must contact HBS IT before procuring any generative AI tools. 


MBA AI Policy


  1. Do comply with any course specific AI guidelines.
  2. Do Leverage AI for Collaboration
  3. Do Use AI for Proofreading and Editing
  4. Do use AI for background research, unless prohibited for by the faculty of the course
  5. Do Cite AI Sources

Do Not’s:

  1. Do Not Use AI to Plagiarize
  2. Do Not Use AI to answer assignment questions or data/case analyses unless specifically authorized by the faculty
  3. Do Not Substitute AI for Learning Fundamental Concepts
  4. Do Not Overlook Copyright Laws
  5. Do Not Assume All Generative AI Results are Accurate
  6. Do Not Over-Trust or Over-Depend on AI

麻省理工学院斯隆商学院MIT Sloan

新加坡国立大学教育学院 National University of Singapore Teaching Academy

1. What can GenAI do today?

2. Valuable Insights

3. Recommendations for Course Policies Regarding the Use of GenAI Tools

4. Recommendations for Assessments

5. Recommendations for Pedagogy

香港大学 HongKong University

The six core principles to AI policy in education are:

  1. equal access is important;

  2. guaranteeing AI security is critical;

  3. AI literacy is essential;

  4. rethinking pedagogy is most likely necessary;

  5. course assessment will be greatly impacted and may need to be redesigned; and

  6. academic integrity is an issue of concern for staff and students alike.

高校政策与指南 Policies and Guidelines of Colleges



出版政策 Publication Policy

  • 107家学术出版商对AI政策的汇总


  • Elsevier

    • Elsevier Policies >> Generative AI policies for journals


  • Taylor & Francis

    • Our Policies >> AI Policy


  • Sage 

    • Editorial Policies >> Artificial Intelligence Policy


  • Wiley

    • Ethics Guidelines >> Artificial Intelligence


  • Springer

    • Editorial Policies >> Artificial Intelligence (AI)
