CEIBS Login Please log in with your CEIBS account.
Personal Login Please log in with your registered personal account.
请用您注册的个人账号登录。 点击注册
Special Login Please click Password icon to log in with your CEIBS account to obtain the specified login info., then click Key icon and use the specified username and password to access the database.
请先点击 Password 图标,用中欧账号登录获取指定的账号密码,再点击钥匙图标,用指定的账号密码登录数据库。 获取密码
Only in Library Only available on first-floor computers within CEIBS Library.
Offer highly-regarded and scholarly peer-reviewed journals, with content highlighting operation research, management science and other relevant fields.
When the database content is predominantly in English, the database will be introduced in English.
Database Overview in Chinese 中文介绍
When the database only provides Chinese content, the database will be introduced in Chinese.
Bilingual Overview 双语介绍
When literature databases provide both Chinese and English content, or when factual databases provide both Chinese and English interface language, a bilingual introduction will be used.