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Guide for MBA Students

VitalSource eBook

How to access VitalSource eBook?

Step 1: Click VitalSource Bookshelf (choose CEIBS as Institution name)

Login Vitalsource Bookshelf by

a. sign in your VitalSource account / CREATE an account (refer to the “Creation of VitalSource Account” Guide);


b. “Continue without an Account”.

Step 2: Agree to the “Terms of Use”.

Step 3: You will enter the VitalSource Bookshelf and see the available ebook. Rollover to the selected ebook and click “Borrow” (Borrow Duration: 3 Hours and it will be returned automatically within 3 hours).

Step 4: All the borrowed items will appear in your “Library”.

Step 5:

a) To read the ebook, click “Open Book”/”Continue Reading” .

b) If you want to return the ebook, click “Return”.

Step 6: When reading the ebook, you can try different functions, e.g. highlight & make note, create flashcard, read aloud etc.

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