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中国知网旗下中国学术期刊库以学术、技术、政策指导、高等科普及教育类期刊为主,内容覆盖多个领域,部分期刊回溯至创刊。中国学术辑刊全文数据库收录学术机构定期或不定期出版的成套论文集。我馆订购范围为:经济与管理科学、哲学与人文学科、社会科学I辑 (政治、军事、法律等)、社会科学II辑 (社会学、民族学、人口学与劳动科学、教育学等)。
中国知网是集期刊杂志、博士论文、硕士论文、会议论文、报纸、工具书、年鉴、专利、标准、国学、海外文献资源为一体的网络出版平台。国家知识基础设施(National Knowledge Infrastructure,NKI)概念由世界银行提出。中国知网于随后启动了中国知识基础设施工程(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI)。
【收录年限】1915年 - 至今
【全文浏览】(HTML / App) 学术期刊 / 学术辑刊
【下载全文】CAJ / PDF
( 学术期刊 ) ▼
( 学术辑刊 ) ▼
【收录年限】1989年 - 至今
【全文浏览】(PDF / App) 学术期刊
【内容语言】中文 / ...
【收录年限】1980 - 至今
【更新频率】每日 / 每月
【全文浏览】(PDF) 学术期刊 / 学位论文 / 会议文献
【仅有摘要】专利 / 科技报告 / 法律法规 / 地方志 / 视频 (可观看前30%) / ……
【导出引文】导出为 TXT文件
国家哲学社会科学文献中心(National Center for Philosophy and Social Science Documentation)立足全国哲学社会科学领域,由国家投入和支持,开展哲学社会科学文献信息资源建设和服务。现有中文期刊、外文期刊、外文图书、古籍等资源,提供在线阅读、全文下载等服务;还收录有国内外哲学社会科学领域重要的高等院校、学术机构以及数据库的链接。
【收录年限】1920年 - 至今
【全文浏览】(PDF) 学术期刊、外文图书
《哈佛商业评论》中文版致力于为商业管理提供世界级价值参考标准,推进中国企业管理实践与研究的国际化。中文版与英文版保持同步出版,中国读者可以在第一时间同步阅读到Harvard Business Review的主要内容,分享世界最新的管理思想和商业经验。中文版60%以上的内容是来自于英文版,约有30%以上内容来自中国本土公司案例,包括行业研究、管理教学等方面的成果。EBSCO提供2013年2月第一期至今的所有文章全文。
【收录年限】2013年 - 至今
【全文浏览】(PDF) 杂志
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
🔘 若数据库打开为英文界面,请于页面右上角寻找语言选项,切换为中文。
华通人 (ACMR) 专注于宏观经济、行业、企业及商用市场数据的采集、研究与分析,帮助您洞悉市场、有效决策。
【更新频率】每周 / 月度 / 季度 / 年度
【下载报告】Word / PDF
Provide access to the very best information on emerging markets.
EMIS is the world's leading provider of information on emerging market companies and industry sectors. The database contains information on over 9.7M listed and private companies in over 197 countries. It operates in and reports on countries where high reward goes hand-in-hand with high risk. It brings time-sensitive, hard-to-get, relevant news, research and analytical data, peer comparisons and more.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1990 - current
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Text】 Reports (PDF / HTML) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word
【Export Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
IBISWorld / CEI Net / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Industry Analysis
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials / Webinars
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【收录年限】1990年 - 至今
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【全文浏览】 报告 (PDF / HTML) / 新闻 (HTML)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 视频 / 工具
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【下载图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
IBISWorld / 中经网 / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【培训指导】视频帮助指南 / 网络研讨会
特色功能I (VIP决策支持平台): 决策支持分析基于专业的数据挖掘和分析模型,结合统计数据特点,提供适合产品资源特点的高级分析应用,包括指标相关性分析、预测分析、科学评价和决策模型四大类。数据的指标化处理提供指标数值的浏览/检索,支持对年/季/月度数据的在线分析,支持各类指标数据的组配分析,可生成自定义的衍生指标。可自行在本库中创建和管理自有的统计数据库,将自有数据与本库统计指标数据合并分析。
特色功能II (DS数据智能分析平台): 数据智能分析平台包括宏观经济和运筹与决策两个模块,宏观经济分析方法包含用于分析样本数据概况的描述性统计,探索两个或多个变量元素关系密切程度的相关性分析,根据研究对象在时间序列上的发展过程进行趋势预判的统计预测,和对复杂系统进行总体科学评价的定量化研究方法。可以上传一份数据文件,利用各类方法进行分析研究,结果为可下载的图表式报告。运筹方法被用于解决现实生活中的复杂问题,特别是改善或优化现有系统的效率,多与仓储、物流、算法等领域相关。在运筹与决策模块,可以进行目标规划、研究多类排队问题、存储模型及最短路径等问题的研究。
【收录年限】1949年 - 至今
【开放访问】(HTML) 统计数据 / 分析报告 / 统计资讯
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【下载报告】CAJ / PDF
【下载数据】CAJ / PDF / Excel
【信息来源】统计年鉴 / 统计资料 / 国家统计局及各部委
【信息涵盖】32个行业, 31个省及直辖市
( 数据分析 ) ▼
( 决策支持 ) ▼
【AI 功能】
Provide private equity data, financing and M&A information, research reports, enterprise analysis, etc.
CVSource 投中数据是投中信息旗下专注于中国私募股权、战略投资与并购等股权投资市场的在线信息产品。基于对市场的长期跟踪与专业研究,投中数据通过全面精准的创投数据库,进行各行业股权研究,公司、机构、基金分析,市场机遇挖掘,为一级股权市场的研究与投资提供可靠的数据和洞见,辅助商业决策。
CVSource is an online database system providing professional information and data solutions, including analysis of equity investment trends, records and analysis of investments and M&A activities, industry research, company analysis, analysis of funds and fund managers, breakdown of investment terms and conditions and studies on regulations on fundraisings and investments. It is dedicated to provide information services to all players active in the Chinese VC & PE market--VC/PE investment institutions, limited partners, strategic investors, investment banks, law firms, accounting firms, research institutes, consulting firms and domestic companies seeking investors.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【全文浏览】(PDF / App) 研报
【开放访问】(在线平台 / App) 企业数据 / 事件 / 参与主体
【更多形式】图表 / 工具
【导出限制】数据 ≤ 5000 条/天
【信息来源】投中信息 / 咨询公司 / 银行 / 券商 / ……
【Language】Chinese / English
【Full Text】(PDF / App) Research Reports
【Full Access】(web platform / App) Corporate Data / Deals/ Entities
【More Types】Charts
【Download Reports】PDF
【Download Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG
【Export Limits】data ≤ 5000 items/day
【Download App】Click the red download icon
【Information Source】CVINFO / Consulting Firms / Banks / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
One-Stop Platform for Chinese Financial Data and Information
The Wind Financial Terminal (WFT) provides investment professionals with the data and insights they need to understand China's complex capital markets and economy. The terminal integrates the most comprehensive and accurate market data, fundamental data, research, news, and analytics tools across all asset classes in China.
Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial data, information, and software services. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【信息来源】证券公司 / 期货公司 / 咨询公司 / 交易所 / 研究所 / 银行 / 智库 / 万得 / ……
【分析工具】各类计算器 (如Beta、WACC) / 套利监控 / 套利分析 / 相关性分析 / 回归分析 / 历史波动率 / 商品曲线 / 季节图表 / 进口利润分析 / 价差分析
【AI 功能】Alice 智能金融助理
【Language】Chinese / English
【Update】Real Time
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Download Reports】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG
【Save Image】JPEG
【Information Source】Securities Companies, Futures Companies, Consulting Firms, Exchanges, Research Institutes, Banks, Think Tank, Wind…
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Caculators / Spread Monitor / Spread Analysis / Correlation / Regression / Volatility / Commodity Forward Curve / Seasonality / Import Profits / History Spread
【AI Function】Financial Assistant Alice
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
🔘 若数据库打开为英文界面,请于页面右上角寻找语言选项,切换为中文。
特色功能I (VIP决策支持平台): 决策支持分析基于专业的数据挖掘和分析模型,结合统计数据特点,提供适合产品资源特点的高级分析应用,包括指标相关性分析、预测分析、科学评价和决策模型四大类。数据的指标化处理提供指标数值的浏览/检索,支持对年/季/月度数据的在线分析,支持各类指标数据的组配分析,可生成自定义的衍生指标。可自行在本库中创建和管理自有的统计数据库,将自有数据与本库统计指标数据合并分析。
特色功能II (DS数据智能分析平台): 数据智能分析平台包括宏观经济和运筹与决策两个模块,宏观经济分析方法包含用于分析样本数据概况的描述性统计,探索两个或多个变量元素关系密切程度的相关性分析,根据研究对象在时间序列上的发展过程进行趋势预判的统计预测,和对复杂系统进行总体科学评价的定量化研究方法。可以上传一份数据文件,利用各类方法进行分析研究,结果为可下载的图表式报告。运筹方法被用于解决现实生活中的复杂问题,特别是改善或优化现有系统的效率,多与仓储、物流、算法等领域相关。在运筹与决策模块,可以进行目标规划、研究多类排队问题、存储模型及最短路径等问题的研究。
【收录年限】1949年 - 至今
【开放访问】(HTML) 统计数据 / 分析报告 / 统计资讯
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【下载报告】CAJ / PDF
【下载数据】CAJ / PDF / Excel
【信息来源】统计年鉴 / 统计资料 / 国家统计局及各部委
【信息涵盖】32个行业, 31个省及直辖市
( 数据分析 ) ▼
( 决策支持 ) ▼
【AI 功能】
专注于中国金融和经济研究, 提供精准数据。
A comprehensive research-oriented database focusing on China Finance and Economy
CSMAR, short for China Stock Market & Accounting Research Database, is a comprehensive research-oriented database focusing on China Finance and Economy. It provides Cross table Query, Data Query, and Data API for Python/R/STATA/MATLAB access. 13 CSMAR databases are available on Wharton Research Data Services Platform.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【收录年限】1990 - 至今
【检索平台】CSMAR / WRDS
【开放访问】(查询) 数据
【数据涵盖】中国证券 / 期货 / 外汇 / 宏观 / 行业 / ……
【Language】Chinese / English
【Date】1990 - current
【Retrieval Platform】CSMAR / WRDS
【Full Access】(Queries) Data
【Download Data】
【Data Source】
【Data Coverage】China Securities / Futures / Foreign Exchange / Macroeconomics / Industries / ……
【Data Series】
【Main Subjects】
Provide access to the very best information on emerging markets.
EMIS is the world's leading provider of information on emerging market companies and industry sectors. The database contains information on over 9.7M listed and private companies in over 197 countries. It operates in and reports on countries where high reward goes hand-in-hand with high risk. It brings time-sensitive, hard-to-get, relevant news, research and analytical data, peer comparisons and more.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1990 - current
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Text】 Reports (PDF / HTML) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word
【Export Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
IBISWorld / CEI Net / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Industry Analysis
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials / Webinars
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【收录年限】1990年 - 至今
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【全文浏览】 报告 (PDF / HTML) / 新闻 (HTML)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 视频 / 工具
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【下载图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
IBISWorld / 中经网 / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【培训指导】视频帮助指南 / 网络研讨会
专注于中国经济、金融与商学研究, 提供综合数据。
中国研究数据服务平台(Chinese Research Data Services Platform, CNRDS)是一个高质量、开放式、平台化的深耕于中国经济、金融与商学研究的综合数据平台。它借鉴了国外一流商学院的数据平台,将促进中国研究数据的规范化、平台化、国际化,并推动中国研究向纵深化、精细化方向发展。平台包括公司特色库、经济特色库、基础库,以及公共数据资源。
【收录年限】1978年 - 至今
【开放访问】(查询) 数据
【下载数据】Excel / TXT / CSV / XML / HTML
( 公司特色库 ) ▼
( 经济特色库 ) ▼
( 基础库 ) ▼
【收录年限】1985年 - 至今
【全文浏览】(HTML) 专题文献
【开放访问】(在线平台) 统计数据
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【文献涵盖】国研视点 / 宏观经济 / 金融中国 / 行业经济 / 区域经济 / 企业胜经 / 世经评论 / 教育参考 / 专家解析 / 专题聚焦 / ……
【数据涵盖】世界经济 / 宏观经济 / 区域经济 / 重点行业
Free access to all digital publications of International Monetary Fund.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 190 countries, working to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its member countries. It does so by supporting economic policies that promote financial stability and monetary cooperation, which are essential to increase productivity, job creation, and economic well-being. Since January 1, 2020, all IMF digital publications are FREE. All users can have access to more than 21,000 publications and an archive that dates back to 1946.
国际货币基金组织 (IMF) 由190个成员国组成,致力于促进所有成员国实现可持续增长和繁荣。为此,IMF支持实施有助于金融稳定和货币合作的经济政策,这些政策对于提高生产力、创造就业和增进经济福祉至关重要。自2020年1月1日起,所有IMF数字出版物均可免费获取。所有用户都能访问超过21000份出版物,内容可追溯到1946年。
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1946 - current
【Full Text】(HTML) Reports / Working Papers / Books / News / Notes / ...
【Full Access】(web platform) Data / Online Courses
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Audio / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel / PDF / RTF / PPTX / HTML / MHT / EMF
【Export Charts】ELXS / PPTX / PDF / PNG
【Export Citations】Export a RIS / BIB / ENW file
【Information Source】IMF
【Publication Coverage】
【Data Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Online Courses】(macroeconomic analysis and policies)
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials
【Main Subjects】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1946年 - 至今
【全文浏览】(HTML) <部分中文> 报告 / 研究手稿 / 图书 / 新闻 / 研究笔记 / …
【开放访问】(在线平台) <英文> 数据 / 在线课程
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 音频 / 视频
【导出数据】Excel / PDF / RTF / PPTX / HTML / MHT / EMF
【导出图表】ELXS / PPTX / PDF / PNG
【导出引文】导出为 RIS / BIB / ENW 文件
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
One-Stop Platform for Chinese Financial Data and Information
The Wind Financial Terminal (WFT) provides investment professionals with the data and insights they need to understand China's complex capital markets and economy. The terminal integrates the most comprehensive and accurate market data, fundamental data, research, news, and analytics tools across all asset classes in China.
Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial data, information, and software services. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【信息来源】证券公司 / 期货公司 / 咨询公司 / 交易所 / 研究所 / 银行 / 智库 / 万得 / ……
【分析工具】各类计算器 (如Beta、WACC) / 套利监控 / 套利分析 / 相关性分析 / 回归分析 / 历史波动率 / 商品曲线 / 季节图表 / 进口利润分析 / 价差分析
【AI 功能】Alice 智能金融助理
【Language】Chinese / English
【Update】Real Time
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Download Reports】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG
【Save Image】JPEG
【Information Source】Securities Companies, Futures Companies, Consulting Firms, Exchanges, Research Institutes, Banks, Think Tank, Wind…
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Caculators / Spread Monitor / Spread Analysis / Correlation / Regression / Volatility / Commodity Forward Curve / Seasonality / Import Profits / History Spread
【AI Function】Financial Assistant Alice
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
🔘 若数据库打开为英文界面,请于页面右上角寻找语言选项,切换为中文。
专注于中国金融和经济研究, 提供精准数据。
A comprehensive research-oriented database focusing on China Finance and Economy
CSMAR, short for China Stock Market & Accounting Research Database, is a comprehensive research-oriented database focusing on China Finance and Economy. It provides Cross table Query, Data Query, and Data API for Python/R/STATA/MATLAB access. 13 CSMAR databases are available on Wharton Research Data Services Platform.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【收录年限】1990 - 至今
【检索平台】CSMAR / WRDS
【开放访问】(查询) 数据
【数据涵盖】中国证券 / 期货 / 外汇 / 宏观 / 行业 / ……
【Language】Chinese / English
【Date】1990 - current
【Retrieval Platform】CSMAR / WRDS
【Full Access】(Queries) Data
【Download Data】
【Data Source】
【Data Coverage】China Securities / Futures / Foreign Exchange / Macroeconomics / Industries / ……
【Data Series】
【Main Subjects】
专注于中国经济、金融与商学研究, 提供综合数据。
中国研究数据服务平台(Chinese Research Data Services Platform, CNRDS)是一个高质量、开放式、平台化的深耕于中国经济、金融与商学研究的综合数据平台。它借鉴了国外一流商学院的数据平台,将促进中国研究数据的规范化、平台化、国际化,并推动中国研究向纵深化、精细化方向发展。平台包括公司特色库、经济特色库、基础库,以及公共数据资源。
【收录年限】1978年 - 至今
【开放访问】(查询) 数据
【下载数据】Excel / TXT / CSV / XML / HTML
( 公司特色库 ) ▼
( 经济特色库 ) ▼
( 基础库 ) ▼
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
One-Stop Platform for Chinese Financial Data and Information
The Wind Financial Terminal (WFT) provides investment professionals with the data and insights they need to understand China's complex capital markets and economy. The terminal integrates the most comprehensive and accurate market data, fundamental data, research, news, and analytics tools across all asset classes in China.
Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial data, information, and software services. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【信息来源】证券公司 / 期货公司 / 咨询公司 / 交易所 / 研究所 / 银行 / 智库 / 万得 / ……
【分析工具】各类计算器 (如Beta、WACC) / 套利监控 / 套利分析 / 相关性分析 / 回归分析 / 历史波动率 / 商品曲线 / 季节图表 / 进口利润分析 / 价差分析
【AI 功能】Alice 智能金融助理
【Language】Chinese / English
【Update】Real Time
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Download Reports】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG
【Save Image】JPEG
【Information Source】Securities Companies, Futures Companies, Consulting Firms, Exchanges, Research Institutes, Banks, Think Tank, Wind…
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Caculators / Spread Monitor / Spread Analysis / Correlation / Regression / Volatility / Commodity Forward Curve / Seasonality / Import Profits / History Spread
【AI Function】Financial Assistant Alice
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
🔘 若数据库打开为英文界面,请于页面右上角寻找语言选项,切换为中文。
Provide access to the very best information on emerging markets.
EMIS is the world's leading provider of information on emerging market companies and industry sectors. The database contains information on over 9.7M listed and private companies in over 197 countries. It operates in and reports on countries where high reward goes hand-in-hand with high risk. It brings time-sensitive, hard-to-get, relevant news, research and analytical data, peer comparisons and more.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1990 - current
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Text】 Reports (PDF / HTML) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word
【Export Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
IBISWorld / CEI Net / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Industry Analysis
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials / Webinars
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【收录年限】1990年 - 至今
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【全文浏览】 报告 (PDF / HTML) / 新闻 (HTML)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 视频 / 工具
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【下载图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
IBISWorld / 中经网 / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【培训指导】视频帮助指南 / 网络研讨会
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
One-Stop Platform for Chinese Financial Data and Information
The Wind Financial Terminal (WFT) provides investment professionals with the data and insights they need to understand China's complex capital markets and economy. The terminal integrates the most comprehensive and accurate market data, fundamental data, research, news, and analytics tools across all asset classes in China.
Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial data, information, and software services. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【信息来源】证券公司 / 期货公司 / 咨询公司 / 交易所 / 研究所 / 银行 / 智库 / 万得 / ……
【分析工具】各类计算器 (如Beta、WACC) / 套利监控 / 套利分析 / 相关性分析 / 回归分析 / 历史波动率 / 商品曲线 / 季节图表 / 进口利润分析 / 价差分析
【AI 功能】Alice 智能金融助理
【Language】Chinese / English
【Update】Real Time
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Download Reports】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG
【Save Image】JPEG
【Information Source】Securities Companies, Futures Companies, Consulting Firms, Exchanges, Research Institutes, Banks, Think Tank, Wind…
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Caculators / Spread Monitor / Spread Analysis / Correlation / Regression / Volatility / Commodity Forward Curve / Seasonality / Import Profits / History Spread
【AI Function】Financial Assistant Alice
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
🔘 若数据库打开为英文界面,请于页面右上角寻找语言选项,切换为中文。
特色功能I (VIP决策支持平台): 决策支持分析基于专业的数据挖掘和分析模型,结合统计数据特点,提供适合产品资源特点的高级分析应用,包括指标相关性分析、预测分析、科学评价和决策模型四大类。数据的指标化处理提供指标数值的浏览/检索,支持对年/季/月度数据的在线分析,支持各类指标数据的组配分析,可生成自定义的衍生指标。可自行在本库中创建和管理自有的统计数据库,将自有数据与本库统计指标数据合并分析。
特色功能II (DS数据智能分析平台): 数据智能分析平台包括宏观经济和运筹与决策两个模块,宏观经济分析方法包含用于分析样本数据概况的描述性统计,探索两个或多个变量元素关系密切程度的相关性分析,根据研究对象在时间序列上的发展过程进行趋势预判的统计预测,和对复杂系统进行总体科学评价的定量化研究方法。可以上传一份数据文件,利用各类方法进行分析研究,结果为可下载的图表式报告。运筹方法被用于解决现实生活中的复杂问题,特别是改善或优化现有系统的效率,多与仓储、物流、算法等领域相关。在运筹与决策模块,可以进行目标规划、研究多类排队问题、存储模型及最短路径等问题的研究。
【收录年限】1949年 - 至今
【开放访问】(HTML) 统计数据 / 分析报告 / 统计资讯
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【下载报告】CAJ / PDF
【下载数据】CAJ / PDF / Excel
【信息来源】统计年鉴 / 统计资料 / 国家统计局及各部委
【信息涵盖】32个行业, 31个省及直辖市
( 数据分析 ) ▼
( 决策支持 ) ▼
【AI 功能】
Provide access to the very best information on emerging markets.
EMIS is the world's leading provider of information on emerging market companies and industry sectors. The database contains information on over 9.7M listed and private companies in over 197 countries. It operates in and reports on countries where high reward goes hand-in-hand with high risk. It brings time-sensitive, hard-to-get, relevant news, research and analytical data, peer comparisons and more.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1990 - current
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Text】 Reports (PDF / HTML) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word
【Export Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
IBISWorld / CEI Net / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Industry Analysis
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials / Webinars
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【收录年限】1990年 - 至今
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【全文浏览】 报告 (PDF / HTML) / 新闻 (HTML)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 视频 / 工具
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【下载图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
IBISWorld / 中经网 / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【培训指导】视频帮助指南 / 网络研讨会
Explore accurate macro & micro economic data.
CEIC's product suite combined with it's cutting edge CDMNext platform enable you to seamlessly integrate more than 7.3 million macroeconomic time series, covering 200+ economies, into your workflow. CEIC Data allows you to effortlessly compare global markets as well as zero in on the deepest emerging markets data available.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date 】1992 - Current
【Update】Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly / Semiannually / Yearly / Quinquennially / Decadal
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Retrieval Platform】CDMNext
【Download Data】
【Download Charts】XLSX / PDF / PNG / JPG
【Data Source】
【Data Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】CEIC Insights: GDP Nowcast
【Data Series】
【Top Indicators】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1992年 - 至今
【更新频率】每日 / 每周 / 每月 / 每季 / 半年 / 每年 / 五年 / 十年
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【下载图表】XLSX / PDF / PNG / JPG
【分析工具】CEIC Insights: GDP即时预报等
Covers statistical data on the socio-economic situation and external trade performance of China.
SOSHOO means literally in Chinese search for numerical data. The English version SOSHOO is based on the Chinese SOSHOO. The statistical data covering all aspects of social and economic development can be easily queried in English for the China national level and at provincial or municipal level for 31 Chinese provinces and municipalities.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【收录年限】1985年 - 至今
【开放访问】(HTML) 统计数据 / 数字新闻
【下载数据】Excel / HTML
行政区划 / 自然资源 / 宏观综合 / 个人收入 / 城市概况 / 对外经贸 / 法律公证 / 批发零售 / 邮电通讯 / 医疗卫生 / 社会福利 / 生活消费 / 企业事业 / 环境保护 / 信息产业 / 工业经济 / 食品副食 / 纺织服装 / 工业物资 / 交通运输 / 电子电器 / 化工石化 / 第三产业 / 农业经济 / 养殖畜牧 / 水产渔业 / 农业基建 / 农用物资 / 公用事业 / 农业机械 / 建筑地产 / 旅游餐饮 / 种植业 / 人口 / 林业 / 能源 / 轻工 / 气象 / 就业 / 投资 / 科技 / 教育 / 副业 / 基建
【Language】Chinese / English
【Date】1985 - current
【Provider】Jingxun Yundun Data Software
【Full Access】(HTML) Statistics
【Download Data】Excel / HTML
【Data Source】
【Data Coverage】
Cover all aspects of social and economic development, for the China national level, at provincial or municipal level for 31 Chinese provinces and municipalities, and to the most important 50 cities.
【Data Query】by Keywords / Area / Sector
Agricultural Infrastructure / Administrative Divisions / Agricultural Machinery / Agricultural Materials / Aquaculture Fisheries / Agricultural Economy / Breeding Livestock / City Overview / Chemical Petrochemical / Construction / Real Estate / Consumption / Comprehensive Macroscopic / Education / Enterprises / Employment / Energy / Electrical and Electronic / Environmental Protection / Foreign Trade / Forestry / Farming / Health / Information Industry / Industrial Supplies / Investment / Infrastructure / Industrial Economy / Light Industry / Meteorological / Natural Resources / Notarial / Non-Staple Food / Population / Postal & Telecom / Personal Income / Sideline / Social Welfare / Transportation / Technology / Tourism and Catering / Textile and Apparel / The Tertiary Industry / Utilities / Wholesale and Retail
【收录年限】1985年 - 至今
【全文浏览】(HTML) 专题文献
【开放访问】(在线平台) 统计数据
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【文献涵盖】国研视点 / 宏观经济 / 金融中国 / 行业经济 / 区域经济 / 企业胜经 / 世经评论 / 教育参考 / 专家解析 / 专题聚焦 / ……
【数据涵盖】世界经济 / 宏观经济 / 区域经济 / 重点行业
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
One-Stop Platform for Chinese Financial Data and Information
The Wind Financial Terminal (WFT) provides investment professionals with the data and insights they need to understand China's complex capital markets and economy. The terminal integrates the most comprehensive and accurate market data, fundamental data, research, news, and analytics tools across all asset classes in China.
Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial data, information, and software services. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【信息来源】证券公司 / 期货公司 / 咨询公司 / 交易所 / 研究所 / 银行 / 智库 / 万得 / ……
【分析工具】各类计算器 (如Beta、WACC) / 套利监控 / 套利分析 / 相关性分析 / 回归分析 / 历史波动率 / 商品曲线 / 季节图表 / 进口利润分析 / 价差分析
【AI 功能】Alice 智能金融助理
【Language】Chinese / English
【Update】Real Time
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Download Reports】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG
【Save Image】JPEG
【Information Source】Securities Companies, Futures Companies, Consulting Firms, Exchanges, Research Institutes, Banks, Think Tank, Wind…
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Caculators / Spread Monitor / Spread Analysis / Correlation / Regression / Volatility / Commodity Forward Curve / Seasonality / Import Profits / History Spread
【AI Function】Financial Assistant Alice
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
🔘 若数据库打开为英文界面,请于页面右上角寻找语言选项,切换为中文。
Provide access to the very best information on emerging markets.
EMIS is the world's leading provider of information on emerging market companies and industry sectors. The database contains information on over 9.7M listed and private companies in over 197 countries. It operates in and reports on countries where high reward goes hand-in-hand with high risk. It brings time-sensitive, hard-to-get, relevant news, research and analytical data, peer comparisons and more.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1990 - current
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Text】 Reports (PDF / HTML) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word
【Export Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
IBISWorld / CEI Net / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Industry Analysis
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials / Webinars
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【收录年限】1990年 - 至今
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【全文浏览】 报告 (PDF / HTML) / 新闻 (HTML)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 视频 / 工具
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【下载图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
IBISWorld / 中经网 / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【培训指导】视频帮助指南 / 网络研讨会
Provide private equity data, financing and M&A information, research reports, enterprise analysis, etc.
CVSource 投中数据是投中信息旗下专注于中国私募股权、战略投资与并购等股权投资市场的在线信息产品。基于对市场的长期跟踪与专业研究,投中数据通过全面精准的创投数据库,进行各行业股权研究,公司、机构、基金分析,市场机遇挖掘,为一级股权市场的研究与投资提供可靠的数据和洞见,辅助商业决策。
CVSource is an online database system providing professional information and data solutions, including analysis of equity investment trends, records and analysis of investments and M&A activities, industry research, company analysis, analysis of funds and fund managers, breakdown of investment terms and conditions and studies on regulations on fundraisings and investments. It is dedicated to provide information services to all players active in the Chinese VC & PE market--VC/PE investment institutions, limited partners, strategic investors, investment banks, law firms, accounting firms, research institutes, consulting firms and domestic companies seeking investors.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【全文浏览】(PDF / App) 研报
【开放访问】(在线平台 / App) 企业数据 / 事件 / 参与主体
【更多形式】图表 / 工具
【导出限制】数据 ≤ 5000 条/天
【信息来源】投中信息 / 咨询公司 / 银行 / 券商 / ……
【Language】Chinese / English
【Full Text】(PDF / App) Research Reports
【Full Access】(web platform / App) Corporate Data / Deals/ Entities
【More Types】Charts
【Download Reports】PDF
【Download Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG
【Export Limits】data ≤ 5000 items/day
【Download App】Click the red download icon
【Information Source】CVINFO / Consulting Firms / Banks / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
专注于中国经济、金融与商学研究, 提供综合数据。
中国研究数据服务平台(Chinese Research Data Services Platform, CNRDS)是一个高质量、开放式、平台化的深耕于中国经济、金融与商学研究的综合数据平台。它借鉴了国外一流商学院的数据平台,将促进中国研究数据的规范化、平台化、国际化,并推动中国研究向纵深化、精细化方向发展。平台包括公司特色库、经济特色库、基础库,以及公共数据资源。
【收录年限】1978年 - 至今
【开放访问】(查询) 数据
【下载数据】Excel / TXT / CSV / XML / HTML
( 公司特色库 ) ▼
( 经济特色库 ) ▼
( 基础库 ) ▼
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
Provide comprehensive and comparable data resource on private companies.
Orbis is the resource for entity data. It has information on close to 400 million companies and entities across the globe – 41 million of these have detailed financial information. It covers listed companies too. Orbis capture, treat and standardize data from a wide range of sources to provide value-added company information. It’s strengths include: comparable information; extensive corporate ownership structures; a holistic view of companies. Use Orbis to find, analyze and compare companies for better decision making and increased efficiency.
Orbis 提供丰富的实体数据资源。它拥有全球超过 4亿家公司和实体的信息,其中包含 4100 万家实体的详细财务信息。它同时也提供上市公司数据。Orbis广泛收集数据,并对其进行整合与处理,从而实现了数据的标准化和可比性。它的数据优势包括:可比信息;海量公司所有权数据;全面总览公司。使用 Orbis 查找、分析和比较公司,可以更好地制定决策并提高效率。
Bureau van Dijk became a Moody's Analytics company in August 2017, providing the best breadth and depth of information in the market.
【Language】English (Search in Chinese)
【Provider】Moody’s (formerly Bureau van Dijk)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools / Videos
【Retrieval Platform】Orbis / WRDS
【Export Data】Excel / PDF
【Export Charts】Excel
【Export Map】PDF
【Data Source】from more than 170 separate providers, and hundreds of Bvd sources
【Data Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials
【内容语言】英文 (支持中文检索)
【提供商】穆迪(原 Bvd 毕威迪信息咨询服务)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】地图 / 工具 / 视频
【检索平台】Orbis / WRDS
【导出数据】Excel / PDF
【数据来源】基于170 个独立提供商和数百个Bvd自身信息源
One-Stop Platform for Chinese Financial Data and Information
The Wind Financial Terminal (WFT) provides investment professionals with the data and insights they need to understand China's complex capital markets and economy. The terminal integrates the most comprehensive and accurate market data, fundamental data, research, news, and analytics tools across all asset classes in China.
Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial data, information, and software services. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【信息来源】证券公司 / 期货公司 / 咨询公司 / 交易所 / 研究所 / 银行 / 智库 / 万得 / ……
【分析工具】各类计算器 (如Beta、WACC) / 套利监控 / 套利分析 / 相关性分析 / 回归分析 / 历史波动率 / 商品曲线 / 季节图表 / 进口利润分析 / 价差分析
【AI 功能】Alice 智能金融助理
【Language】Chinese / English
【Update】Real Time
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Download Reports】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG
【Save Image】JPEG
【Information Source】Securities Companies, Futures Companies, Consulting Firms, Exchanges, Research Institutes, Banks, Think Tank, Wind…
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Caculators / Spread Monitor / Spread Analysis / Correlation / Regression / Volatility / Commodity Forward Curve / Seasonality / Import Profits / History Spread
【AI Function】Financial Assistant Alice
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
Discover, browse and read the library's top scholarly journals and keep up with the latest research in your field.
BrowZine allows you to discover, browse and read the library's top scholarly journals, and helps you keep up with the latest research in your field in a fast and easy-to-use system on the Web or via mobile APP.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1665 - current
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF) Scholarly and Trade Journals / Magazines / News ...
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Text / RTF
【Export Citations】
【Main Subjects】
Discover the world’s most influential social sciences journals with Social Sciences Citation Index.
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) in Web of Science Core Collection is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the social sciences. It contains over 3,400 journals across 58 social sciences disciplines, as well as selected items from 3,500 of the world’s leading scientific and technical journals. More than 9.37 million records and 122 million cited references date back from 1900 to present.
Web of Science Core Collection on the Web of Science platform is the world’s original citation index for scientific and scholarly research. It contains peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals published worldwide (including Open Access journals) in sciences, social sciences, and arts & humanities disciplines. Conference proceedings and book data are also available.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】1992 - current
【Only Abstract】(inc. OA full-text) Journals
【Export Citations】
【Main Subjects】
The most comprehensive database covering journals, dissertations, country and industry reports, company profiles, etc.
ABI/INFORM Collection features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals, country-and industry-focused reports, and downloadable data. It comprises ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline.
【Language】English / …
【Date】1855 - current
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF)
Scholarly and Trade Journals / Magazines / Reports / News / Working Papers (OA full-text) / Conference Papers & Proceedings / Dissertations & Theses (inc. preview)…
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Text / RTF
【Export Citations】
【Report Source】
【Report Coverage】
【Main Subjects】
A multidisciplinary database containing journal articles, magazines, book chapters, etc. and a wealth of country, market, industry and company profiles.
Academic Search Premier (ASP) is a multi-disciplinary full text database containing full text for more than 4,600 journals, including nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles.
Business Source Ultimate (BSU) offers an unprecedented wealth of peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business that spark discussion on future developments and changes in the business world.
【Language】English / ...
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF) Scholarly and Trade Journals / Magazines / Reports / News / Reviews / Book Chapters...
【Full Access】(HTML) Company Data
【More Types】Audios / Images
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Download Data】CSV
【Export Citations】
【Report Source】
【Report Coverage】
【Data Coverage】Company Information
【AI Function】
【Main Subjects】
Discover and explore Emerald's impactful journals and e-books from a vast range of subject areas from management and finance to social media.
Emerald Insight is a digital research platform. It delivers high-quality, impactful journals, books, case studies and a growing collection of open access content. CEIBS Library subscribes journals and e-books on business, management, economics, etc. as well as eJournal Backfiles.
【Date】1898 - current
【Full Text】Journals(HTML / PDF) / Books(HTML / PDF / EPUB)
【Only Abstract】Case Studies
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Download Limits】Books ≤ 50 chapters
【Export Citations】Export a RIS file
【Main Subjects】
Offer highly-regarded and scholarly peer-reviewed journals, with content highlighting operation research, management science and other relevant fields.
INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) is the largest professional association for the decision and data sciences. It publishes 17 high quality journals related to operations research, analytics, management science, economics, behavioral science, statistics, artificial intelligence, data science, applied mathematics, and other relevant fields. It also offers a wealth of other related scholarly content, such as INFORMS Analytics Collection – a series of curated industry focused content on a wide range of topics – as well as select open-access content. INFORMS is proud to count 32 recipients of the Nobel Prize in Economics as authors, collectively producing 101 articles across six different INFORMS journals.
【Date】1998 - current
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF) Journals / Reviews / Reports / …
(17 highly-regarded, scholarly peer-reviewed journals)
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Citations】Export a RIS / EndNote / BibTex / Medlars / RefWorks file
【Main Subjects】
Provide academic journals in economics and finance published by Oxford University Press.
This specialist collection published by Oxford University Press includes an exceptional and diverse selection of journals, ideal for institutions and corporations that serve economists, business & finance professionals, and researchers in these fields.
Oxford Academic, Oxford University Press (OUP)’s platform for research, offers a single point of entry for access to scholarly and academic books and journals.
【Date】1827 - current
【Provider】Oxford University Press
【Full Text】(PDF) Research Articles / Review Articles / Books (OA full-text) / …
【More Types】Images / Audio / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Citations】Export a RIS / ENW / BibTex / Text file
【Main Subjects】
Provide multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal articles.
ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed literature. Its depth and breadth of information facilitates interdisciplinary research and scholarship. CEIBS Library subscribes to Economics, Econometrics and Finance Collection & Business, Management and Accounting Collection.
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF) Journals
【Only Abstract】(inc. OA full-text) Books
【Only Abstract】Textbooks / Handbooks / Reference Works / Book Series
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Citations】
【Main Subjects】
The most authoritative and comprehensive Social Sciences and Humanities research
As the world’s leading society publisher, Wiley brings you the most authoritative and comprehensive Social Sciences and Humanities research. The publications contain seminal and classic papers spanning centuries of research from some of the most celebrated minds in Psychology, Economics, Anthropology, Business and Management, Linguistics, Politics, Philosophy, and Education. Over 60% of the Social Sciences and Humanities journals are ranked by ISI’s Journal Citation Index.
【Date】1791 - current
【Provider】John Wiley & Sons
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF) Journals
【Only Abstract】(inc. OA full-text) Reference Works / Books
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Citations】download or copy/paste
【Main Subjects】
Explore a wide range of economics-related literature.
Econlit is published by the American Economic Association and provides bibliographic coverage of a wide range of economics-related literature. An expanded version of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) indexes of journals, books and dissertations, EconLit covers both economic theory and application. Also included are full-text of book reviews published in the Journal of Economic Literature since 1993.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】1886 - current
【Only Abstract】(inc. OA full-text) Scholarly Journals / Working Papers / Book Chapters
【Only Abstract】(inc. preview) Dissertations & Theses
【Export Citations】
【Main Subjects】
Provide information pertinent to the study of business and finance topics in Asia.
Asian & European Business Collection provides information pertinent to the study of business and finance topics across Asia and Europe, including academic journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazines. Find information on companies, economies, markets, international trade, and overall business conditions and practices throughout these regions. Only Asian Business Database content can be accessed.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】1967 - current
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF) Scholarly and Trade Journals / Magazines / Reports / News / …
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Text / RTF
【Export Citations】
【Report Source】Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute / …
【Report Coverage】Industry Report / …
【Main Subjects】
Explore the most trusted and comprehensive collection of psychological science in the world.
APA PsycArticles, from the American Psychological Association (APA), is a definitive source of full text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. It contains articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA), its imprint the Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF), and from allied organizations including the Canadian Psychological Association and the Hogrefe Publishing Group. It includes all journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, and errata from each journal. Nearly all APA journals go back to Volume 1, Issue 1.
APA PsycInfo, American Psychological Association’s (APA) renowned resource for abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. It contains records and summaries dating as far back as the 1600s. Journal coverage, which spans from the 1800s to the present, includes international material selected from periodicals in dozens of languages.
【Language】English / …
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF) Scholarly Journals
【Only Abstract】Dissertation & Theses / Book Chapters (inc. OA full-text)
【More Types】Audios
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Citations】
【AI Function】
【Main Subjects】
A magazine to get the best management thinking
Harvard Business Review, published by Harvard Business Review Press, is written for upper level management and presents analysis of management problems and helpful commentary on advanced thinking and practice in the areas of business strategy, general management, administration, technology, leadership, human resources, and innovation. EBSCO provides full-text Harvard Business Review from 10/01/1922 to present.
【Date】1922 - current
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF) Magazines
【More Types】Audios
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Citations】
【More Subjects】
Discover two centuries of academic journals from Cambridge University Press.
The Cambridge journals digital archive provides instant online access to two centuries of academic excellence and publishing history from Cambridge University Press. Cambridge Journals Digital Archive 2011 is available for CEIBS users. The constantly growing digital archive takes knowledge off the shelf and makes it readily available online, alongside the current Cambridge Core content.
Cambridge Core is the home of academic content from Cambridge University Press. It is the place to find valuable, useful and inspirational research and academic information.
【Provider】Cambridge University Press
【Full Text】(PDF) Back Journals
【Only Abstract】(inc. OA full-text) Current Journals / Books
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Citations】
【Main Subjects】
Provides access to archival journal articles, books, images, primary sources, as well as research tools.
JSTOR is a digital library, providing access to multi-disciplinary journal articles, books, images, and primary sources. By combining scholarship and primary sources on one platform, JSTOR strengthens the depth and quality of research, sparks innovative connections, and generates unexpected discoveries. It helps you explore a wide range of scholarly content with additional research tools and features. CEIBS Library subscribes to JSTOR Archival Journals and Primary Sources Collection which includes complete archive, or back issues of these core scholarly journals that have been digitized, starting with the first issues to three or five years prior to the present.
JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization that also includes Artstor, Ithaka S+R, and Portico.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】(journal) 1665 - 2019
【Full Text】(PDF) Back Journals / Book Chapters / Books / Reports (OA full-text)...
【More Types】
【Download Full-Text】PDF
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【Report Source】from policy institutes around the world
【Report Coverage】
【Main Subjects】
Provide peer-reviewed journal backfiles.
SAGE Backfile Packages include electronic access to more than 360 peer-reviewed journal backfiles in Social Sciences & Humanities, Health Sciences, Life & Biomedical Sciences, and Materials Science & Engineering. Coverage is through the last issue of 1998 back to volume one, issue one.
【Date】1879 - 1998
【Provider】SAGE Publishing
【Full Text】(PDF) Back Journals
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Citations】Export a PDF file
【Main Subjects】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
Provide information pertinent to the study of business and finance topics in Asia.
Asian & European Business Collection provides information pertinent to the study of business and finance topics across Asia and Europe, including academic journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazines. Find information on companies, economies, markets, international trade, and overall business conditions and practices throughout these regions. Only Asian Business Database content can be accessed.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】1967 - current
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF) Scholarly and Trade Journals / Magazines / Reports / News / …
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Text / RTF
【Export Citations】
【Report Source】Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute / …
【Report Coverage】Industry Report / …
【Main Subjects】
Conduct company, industry, and market research.
Business Market Research Collection contains company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research with information from these sources: Hoover's Company Profiles - covering 40,000 global public and non-public companies including financials, competitors, officers, and more; OxResearch - succinct articles covering regional economic and political developments of significance; US and Worldwide Industry & Market Reports from Barnes Reports - covering global industries in depth; and Snapshots - market research overviews on 40+ industries and 40 countries.
【Date】1637 - current
【Full Text】Reports (PDF) / News (HTML)
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Citations】
【Report Source】
【Report Coverage】
【Main Subjects】
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
Harness the power of comparable data & insights.
GlobalData Explorer capitalizes on actionable intelligence spanning 22 global industries. Combining macroeconomic data and information on thousands of companies, Explorer offers you broad yet detailed coverage of the global trends that are shaping industries, impacting companies and driving innovation.
GlobalData provides unique data, expert analysis & innovative solutions to companies in the world’s largest industries.
【Update】Real Time
【Region】Asia Pacific / Europe / Middle East and Africa / North America / South and Central America
【Full Text】Reports (PDF) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word / PPT
【Download Data】Excel / CSV / JSON / Tableau Workbook
【Download Charts】PNG / JPG / GIF / SVG
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】(Databases)
【Tutorials】 Conferences & Webinars / Tutorials / Podcast
Provide data and insight on industries, economies and consumers worldwide.
Passport is a global market research database, covering thousands of product categories and industries. It provides insight on industries, economies and consumers worldwide, helping you analyse market context and identify future trends impacting businesses globally. Bridging methodologies based on data science and on-the-ground research, it provides context to strategic and tactical data.
Euromonitor International is the world's leading provider of global business intelligence, market analysis and consumer insights.
【Date】histrorical - current - forecast
【Provider】Euromonitor International
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF / slideshow) Reports
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Audios / Video
【Download Reports】PDF / PowerPoint
【Download Data】Excel / PDF
【Download Audio】MP3
【Export Charts】PNG
【Report Source】Euromonitor International
【Data Source】
【Information Coverage】Analysis / Statistics
【Learning Videos】Analysis Videos / Webinars / Help Videos
【Main Themes】
Provide market and consumer data, forecasts, and studies.
Statista is one of the world’s leading business data platforms. It is convenient for numbers, data, and facts search on market forecasts, white paper studies, dossiers, and industry reports and so on.
【Language】English / ...
【Region】Worldwide / Asia / Europe / Americas / Africa / Australia & Oceania
【Full Access】(web platform) Reports / Surveys / News / Data
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF / PPT
【Download Data】XLS (basic) / CSV (custom)
【Download Charts】PNG
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【AI Function】
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
Explore accurate macro & micro economic data.
CEIC's product suite combined with it's cutting edge CDMNext platform enable you to seamlessly integrate more than 7.3 million macroeconomic time series, covering 200+ economies, into your workflow. CEIC Data allows you to effortlessly compare global markets as well as zero in on the deepest emerging markets data available.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date 】1992 - Current
【Update】Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly / Semiannually / Yearly / Quinquennially / Decadal
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Retrieval Platform】CDMNext
【Download Data】
【Download Charts】XLSX / PDF / PNG / JPG
【Data Source】
【Data Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】CEIC Insights: GDP Nowcast
【Data Series】
【Top Indicators】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1992年 - 至今
【更新频率】每日 / 每周 / 每月 / 每季 / 半年 / 每年 / 五年 / 十年
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 工具
【下载图表】XLSX / PDF / PNG / JPG
【分析工具】CEIC Insights: GDP即时预报等
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
Provide access to the very best information on emerging markets.
EMIS is the world's leading provider of information on emerging market companies and industry sectors. The database contains information on over 9.7M listed and private companies in over 197 countries. It operates in and reports on countries where high reward goes hand-in-hand with high risk. It brings time-sensitive, hard-to-get, relevant news, research and analytical data, peer comparisons and more.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1990 - current
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Text】 Reports (PDF / HTML) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word
【Export Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
IBISWorld / CEI Net / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Industry Analysis
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials / Webinars
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【收录年限】1990年 - 至今
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【全文浏览】 报告 (PDF / HTML) / 新闻 (HTML)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 视频 / 工具
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【下载图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
IBISWorld / 中经网 / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【培训指导】视频帮助指南 / 网络研讨会
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
A single platform for essential intelligence, bringing together an unrivaled breadth and depth of data, news, and research.
The S&P Capital IQ platform delivers high quality financial intelligence covering both public and private capital markets alongside powerful applications for desktop research, screening, real-time market data, backtesting, portfolio management, financial modeling, quantitative analysis, and more.
★ PRO is an upgraded version of Capital IQ. But if you are familiar with CIQ, Feel free to use CIQ.
S&P Global Market Intelligence is a division of S&P Global, the world’s foremost provider of credit ratings, benchmarks and analytics in the global capital and commodity markets, offering ESG solutions, deep data and insights on critical business factors.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】1900 - current
【Update】Real Time
【Provider】S&P Global
【Full Access】(web platform) Data / News / Reports (PDF Preview)
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Zip File
【Export Data】Excel / Word / PDF
【Export Charts】Excel / Word
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
Provide standardized North American and global company fundamental and market data.
Compustat is a comprehensive database with standardized, historical and point-in-time data, with flexible delivery options to power the quantitative research and analysis. For most companies, annual history is available back to 1950 and quarterly history back to 1962 with monthly market history back to 1962.
【Date】1950 - current
【Provider】S&P Global
【Retrieval Platform】WRDS / Capital IQ
【Full Access】(Queries) Data
【Download Data】(WRDS)
【Data Source】
【Data Coverage】
( North America & Global ) ▼
( Only North America ) ▼
【Data Query】Web Query Forms
A comprehensive collection of security price, return, volume data, and indices for the stock markets.
CRSP, Center for Research in Security Prices, maintains the most comprehensive collection of security price, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets. Additional CRSP files provide stock indices, beta-based and cap-based portfolios, treasury bond and risk-free rates, etc. CEIBS users can access to US Stock and Indices databases.
The CRSP U.S. Stock Databases contain end-of-day and month-end prices on primary listings for the NYSE, NYSE MKT, NASDAQ, and Arca exchanges, along with basic market indices. They are characterized by their comprehensive corporate action information and highly accurate total return calculations.
The CRSP Index Database contains five groups of CRSP indexes: Stock File Indexes, Cap-Based Portfolios, Indexes for the S&P 500 Universe, Treasury and Inflation (CTI) Indexes, and the Select Treasury Indexes.
Center for Research in Security Prices, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the University of Chicago.
【Date】1925 - this year
【Provider】Chicago Booth
【Retrieval Platform】WRDS
【Full Access】(Queries) Data
【Download Data】(WRDS)
【Data Source】US Stock & Index Database
【Data Coverage】
【Data Query】Web Query Forms
专注于中国金融和经济研究, 提供精准数据。
A comprehensive research-oriented database focusing on China Finance and Economy
CSMAR, short for China Stock Market & Accounting Research Database, is a comprehensive research-oriented database focusing on China Finance and Economy. It provides Cross table Query, Data Query, and Data API for Python/R/STATA/MATLAB access. 13 CSMAR databases are available on Wharton Research Data Services Platform.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【收录年限】1990 - 至今
【检索平台】CSMAR / WRDS
【开放访问】(查询) 数据
【数据涵盖】中国证券 / 期货 / 外汇 / 宏观 / 行业 / ……
【Language】Chinese / English
【Date】1990 - current
【Retrieval Platform】CSMAR / WRDS
【Full Access】(Queries) Data
【Download Data】
【Data Source】
【Data Coverage】China Securities / Futures / Foreign Exchange / Macroeconomics / Industries / ……
【Data Series】
【Main Subjects】
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
A historical financial transaction database
Securities Data Company (SDC) Platinum, now accessible as an add-on within Refinitiv Workspace, offers the dealmaking community 25+ years of the most comprehensive and unrivalled data in the industry with deals information on everything from M&A to private equity to project finance. With thousands of data points across all asset classes, SDC Platinum allows you to analyse investment banking and deal trends, identify comparable transactions and deals, monitor markets and industries, evaluate financial advisors, and generate industry-leading league tables and market share analysis.
Refinitiv Workspace gives you access to the broadest and deepest coverage of financial data, news, analytics and productivity tools - all in a highly customized experience on desktop, web and mobile. With its integrated developer environment, you can also use and analyze data flexibly with modern APIs and popular languages like Python.
【Date】1962 - current
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(software) Data
【Export Data】Excel / TXT
【Data Source】from globally consistent, locally focused sources, backed by SDC team of expert analysts
【Data Coverage】
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
A single platform for essential intelligence, bringing together an unrivaled breadth and depth of data, news, and research.
The S&P Capital IQ platform delivers high quality financial intelligence covering both public and private capital markets alongside powerful applications for desktop research, screening, real-time market data, backtesting, portfolio management, financial modeling, quantitative analysis, and more.
★ PRO is an upgraded version of Capital IQ. But if you are familiar with CIQ, Feel free to use CIQ.
S&P Global Market Intelligence is a division of S&P Global, the world’s foremost provider of credit ratings, benchmarks and analytics in the global capital and commodity markets, offering ESG solutions, deep data and insights on critical business factors.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】1900 - current
【Update】Real Time
【Provider】S&P Global
【Full Access】(web platform) Data / News / Reports (PDF Preview)
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Zip File
【Export Data】Excel / Word / PDF
【Export Charts】Excel / Word
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
Provide access to the very best information on emerging markets.
EMIS is the world's leading provider of information on emerging market companies and industry sectors. The database contains information on over 9.7M listed and private companies in over 197 countries. It operates in and reports on countries where high reward goes hand-in-hand with high risk. It brings time-sensitive, hard-to-get, relevant news, research and analytical data, peer comparisons and more.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1990 - current
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Text】 Reports (PDF / HTML) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word
【Export Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
IBISWorld / CEI Net / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Industry Analysis
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials / Webinars
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【收录年限】1990年 - 至今
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【全文浏览】 报告 (PDF / HTML) / 新闻 (HTML)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 视频 / 工具
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【下载图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
IBISWorld / 中经网 / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【培训指导】视频帮助指南 / 网络研讨会
Harness the power of comparable data & insights.
GlobalData Explorer capitalizes on actionable intelligence spanning 22 global industries. Combining macroeconomic data and information on thousands of companies, Explorer offers you broad yet detailed coverage of the global trends that are shaping industries, impacting companies and driving innovation.
GlobalData provides unique data, expert analysis & innovative solutions to companies in the world’s largest industries.
【Update】Real Time
【Region】Asia Pacific / Europe / Middle East and Africa / North America / South and Central America
【Full Text】Reports (PDF) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word / PPT
【Download Data】Excel / CSV / JSON / Tableau Workbook
【Download Charts】PNG / JPG / GIF / SVG
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】(Databases)
【Tutorials】 Conferences & Webinars / Tutorials / Podcast
Provide market and consumer data, forecasts, and studies.
Statista is one of the world’s leading business data platforms. It is convenient for numbers, data, and facts search on market forecasts, white paper studies, dossiers, and industry reports and so on.
【Language】English / ...
【Region】Worldwide / Asia / Europe / Americas / Africa / Australia & Oceania
【Full Access】(web platform) Reports / Surveys / News / Data
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF / PPT
【Download Data】XLS (basic) / CSV (custom)
【Download Charts】PNG
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【AI Function】
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
A single platform for essential intelligence, bringing together an unrivaled breadth and depth of data, news, and research.
The S&P Capital IQ platform delivers high quality financial intelligence covering both public and private capital markets alongside powerful applications for desktop research, screening, real-time market data, backtesting, portfolio management, financial modeling, quantitative analysis, and more.
★ PRO is an upgraded version of Capital IQ. But if you are familiar with CIQ, Feel free to use CIQ.
S&P Global Market Intelligence is a division of S&P Global, the world’s foremost provider of credit ratings, benchmarks and analytics in the global capital and commodity markets, offering ESG solutions, deep data and insights on critical business factors.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】1900 - current
【Update】Real Time
【Provider】S&P Global
【Full Access】(web platform) Data / News / Reports (PDF Preview)
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Zip File
【Export Data】Excel / Word / PDF
【Export Charts】Excel / Word
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
Provide access to the very best information on emerging markets.
EMIS is the world's leading provider of information on emerging market companies and industry sectors. The database contains information on over 9.7M listed and private companies in over 197 countries. It operates in and reports on countries where high reward goes hand-in-hand with high risk. It brings time-sensitive, hard-to-get, relevant news, research and analytical data, peer comparisons and more.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1990 - current
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Text】 Reports (PDF / HTML) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word
【Export Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
IBISWorld / CEI Net / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Industry Analysis
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials / Webinars
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【收录年限】1990年 - 至今
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【全文浏览】 报告 (PDF / HTML) / 新闻 (HTML)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 视频 / 工具
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【下载图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
IBISWorld / 中经网 / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【培训指导】视频帮助指南 / 网络研讨会
Provide access to the very best information on emerging markets.
EMIS is the world's leading provider of information on emerging market companies and industry sectors. The database contains information on over 9.7M listed and private companies in over 197 countries. It operates in and reports on countries where high reward goes hand-in-hand with high risk. It brings time-sensitive, hard-to-get, relevant news, research and analytical data, peer comparisons and more.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1990 - current
【Provider】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【Full Text】 Reports (PDF / HTML) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word
【Export Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
IBISWorld / CEI Net / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】Industry Analysis
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials / Webinars
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【收录年限】1990年 - 至今
【提供商】ISI Emerging Markets Group
【全文浏览】 报告 (PDF / HTML) / 新闻 (HTML)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】图表 / 视频 / 工具
【下载全文】PDF / Word
【下载图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
IBISWorld / 中经网 / MNS Credit / Mira Inform / IHS Markit / IMF / Mordor Intelligence / BIS Research / Enerdata / Euromonitor International Ltd. / BBC Monitoring / MarketLine / OECD / Oxford Economics / FocusEconomics / EIU / ...
【培训指导】视频帮助指南 / 网络研讨会
Harness the power of comparable data & insights.
GlobalData Explorer capitalizes on actionable intelligence spanning 22 global industries. Combining macroeconomic data and information on thousands of companies, Explorer offers you broad yet detailed coverage of the global trends that are shaping industries, impacting companies and driving innovation.
GlobalData provides unique data, expert analysis & innovative solutions to companies in the world’s largest industries.
【Update】Real Time
【Region】Asia Pacific / Europe / Middle East and Africa / North America / South and Central America
【Full Text】Reports (PDF) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word / PPT
【Download Data】Excel / CSV / JSON / Tableau Workbook
【Download Charts】PNG / JPG / GIF / SVG
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】(Databases)
【Tutorials】 Conferences & Webinars / Tutorials / Podcast
Provide data and insight on industries, economies and consumers worldwide.
Passport is a global market research database, covering thousands of product categories and industries. It provides insight on industries, economies and consumers worldwide, helping you analyse market context and identify future trends impacting businesses globally. Bridging methodologies based on data science and on-the-ground research, it provides context to strategic and tactical data.
Euromonitor International is the world's leading provider of global business intelligence, market analysis and consumer insights.
【Date】histrorical - current - forecast
【Provider】Euromonitor International
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF / slideshow) Reports
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Audios / Video
【Download Reports】PDF / PowerPoint
【Download Data】Excel / PDF
【Download Audio】MP3
【Export Charts】PNG
【Report Source】Euromonitor International
【Data Source】
【Information Coverage】Analysis / Statistics
【Learning Videos】Analysis Videos / Webinars / Help Videos
【Main Themes】
Provide market and consumer data, forecasts, and studies.
Statista is one of the world’s leading business data platforms. It is convenient for numbers, data, and facts search on market forecasts, white paper studies, dossiers, and industry reports and so on.
【Language】English / ...
【Region】Worldwide / Asia / Europe / Americas / Africa / Australia & Oceania
【Full Access】(web platform) Reports / Surveys / News / Data
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF / PPT
【Download Data】XLS (basic) / CSV (custom)
【Download Charts】PNG
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【AI Function】
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
🔘 点击数据库下方 more... 查看简介。想了解更多使用帮助,请点击数据库右侧 。
Provide comprehensive and comparable data resource on private companies.
Orbis is the resource for entity data. It has information on close to 400 million companies and entities across the globe – 41 million of these have detailed financial information. It covers listed companies too. Orbis capture, treat and standardize data from a wide range of sources to provide value-added company information. It’s strengths include: comparable information; extensive corporate ownership structures; a holistic view of companies. Use Orbis to find, analyze and compare companies for better decision making and increased efficiency.
Orbis 提供丰富的实体数据资源。它拥有全球超过 4亿家公司和实体的信息,其中包含 4100 万家实体的详细财务信息。它同时也提供上市公司数据。Orbis广泛收集数据,并对其进行整合与处理,从而实现了数据的标准化和可比性。它的数据优势包括:可比信息;海量公司所有权数据;全面总览公司。使用 Orbis 查找、分析和比较公司,可以更好地制定决策并提高效率。
Bureau van Dijk became a Moody's Analytics company in August 2017, providing the best breadth and depth of information in the market.
【Language】English (Search in Chinese)
【Provider】Moody’s (formerly Bureau van Dijk)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools / Videos
【Retrieval Platform】Orbis / WRDS
【Export Data】Excel / PDF
【Export Charts】Excel
【Export Map】PDF
【Data Source】from more than 170 separate providers, and hundreds of Bvd sources
【Data Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Analytics Tools】
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials
【内容语言】英文 (支持中文检索)
【提供商】穆迪(原 Bvd 毕威迪信息咨询服务)
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【更多形式】地图 / 工具 / 视频
【检索平台】Orbis / WRDS
【导出数据】Excel / PDF
【数据来源】基于170 个独立提供商和数百个Bvd自身信息源
Access current and historic roles for board positions, employment, and education.
BoardEx contains a vast dataset of more than 2 million profiles of organizations and more than 1.5 million people. Approximately 33% of individuals are currently serving on boards of companies, and 38% are either board members or C-Suite. You can access educational background, prior employment, and connections of directors and executives; analyze the proportion of politically connected directors, using CEO-level controls such as age, gender, and experience; extract executive stock option holdings.
【Date】1999 - current
【Update】Within 24 hours from point of disclosure
【Region】North America
【Retrieval Platform】WRDS
【Full Access】(Queries) Data
【Download Data】(WRDS)
【Data Source】
【Data Coverage】
【Data Query】Web Query Forms
A single platform for essential intelligence, bringing together an unrivaled breadth and depth of data, news, and research.
The S&P Capital IQ platform delivers high quality financial intelligence covering both public and private capital markets alongside powerful applications for desktop research, screening, real-time market data, backtesting, portfolio management, financial modeling, quantitative analysis, and more.
★ PRO is an upgraded version of Capital IQ. But if you are familiar with CIQ, Feel free to use CIQ.
S&P Global Market Intelligence is a division of S&P Global, the world’s foremost provider of credit ratings, benchmarks and analytics in the global capital and commodity markets, offering ESG solutions, deep data and insights on critical business factors.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】1900 - current
【Update】Real Time
【Provider】S&P Global
【Full Access】(web platform) Data / News / Reports (PDF Preview)
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Zip File
【Export Data】Excel / Word / PDF
【Export Charts】Excel / Word
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
专注于中国金融和经济研究, 提供精准数据。
A comprehensive research-oriented database focusing on China Finance and Economy
CSMAR, short for China Stock Market & Accounting Research Database, is a comprehensive research-oriented database focusing on China Finance and Economy. It provides Cross table Query, Data Query, and Data API for Python/R/STATA/MATLAB access. 13 CSMAR databases are available on Wharton Research Data Services Platform.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【收录年限】1990 - 至今
【检索平台】CSMAR / WRDS
【开放访问】(查询) 数据
【数据涵盖】中国证券 / 期货 / 外汇 / 宏观 / 行业 / ……
【Language】Chinese / English
【Date】1990 - current
【Retrieval Platform】CSMAR / WRDS
【Full Access】(Queries) Data
【Download Data】
【Data Source】
【Data Coverage】China Securities / Futures / Foreign Exchange / Macroeconomics / Industries / ……
【Data Series】
【Main Subjects】
Provide private equity data, financing and M&A information, research reports, enterprise analysis, etc.
CVSource 投中数据是投中信息旗下专注于中国私募股权、战略投资与并购等股权投资市场的在线信息产品。基于对市场的长期跟踪与专业研究,投中数据通过全面精准的创投数据库,进行各行业股权研究,公司、机构、基金分析,市场机遇挖掘,为一级股权市场的研究与投资提供可靠的数据和洞见,辅助商业决策。
CVSource is an online database system providing professional information and data solutions, including analysis of equity investment trends, records and analysis of investments and M&A activities, industry research, company analysis, analysis of funds and fund managers, breakdown of investment terms and conditions and studies on regulations on fundraisings and investments. It is dedicated to provide information services to all players active in the Chinese VC & PE market--VC/PE investment institutions, limited partners, strategic investors, investment banks, law firms, accounting firms, research institutes, consulting firms and domestic companies seeking investors.
【内容语言】中文 / 英文
【全文浏览】(PDF / App) 研报
【开放访问】(在线平台 / App) 企业数据 / 事件 / 参与主体
【更多形式】图表 / 工具
【导出限制】数据 ≤ 5000 条/天
【信息来源】投中信息 / 咨询公司 / 银行 / 券商 / ……
【Language】Chinese / English
【Full Text】(PDF / App) Research Reports
【Full Access】(web platform / App) Corporate Data / Deals/ Entities
【More Types】Charts
【Download Reports】PDF
【Download Data】Excel
【Download Charts】PNG
【Export Limits】data ≤ 5000 items/day
【Download App】Click the red download icon
【Information Source】CVINFO / Consulting Firms / Banks / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
Trusted source of financial data, news and analysis
Eikon is an open-technology solution for financial markets professionals, providing access to industry-leading data, insights, and exclusive and trusted news.
Eikon 是面向金融市场专业人士的开放式技术解决方案,可提供行业领先的数据、见解和独家的值得信赖的新闻。
【Language】 English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1970 - current
【Update】Real Time
ASEAN / Asia/Pacific / BRIC / BRIC+4 / CIS / East Asia / Emerging Europe / Europe / Euro Zone / G7 / GCC / MENA / MENASA / Nordic/Baltic / North America / Pacific / SAARC / South/Central America / South-Eastern Europe / Sub-Saharan Africa / West African Economic and Monetary Union / Western Europe
【Provider】Refinitiv, LSEG
【Full Access】(web platform / software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Videos / Tools
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】PNG / JPEG / PDF
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1970年 - 至今
东盟 / 亚太 / 金砖国家 / 金砖四国 / 独联体 / 东亚 / 新兴欧洲 / 欧洲 / 欧元区 / 七国集团 / 海湾阿拉伯 / 中东与北非 / 中东、北非与南亚 / 北欧与波罗的海 / 北美 / 太平洋地区 / 南盟 / 中南美洲 / 东南欧 / 亚撒哈拉 / 西非经货联盟 / 西欧
【浏览全文】(在线平台 / 软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 视频 / 工具
【导出图表】PNG / JPEG / PDF
Harness the power of comparable data & insights.
GlobalData Explorer capitalizes on actionable intelligence spanning 22 global industries. Combining macroeconomic data and information on thousands of companies, Explorer offers you broad yet detailed coverage of the global trends that are shaping industries, impacting companies and driving innovation.
GlobalData provides unique data, expert analysis & innovative solutions to companies in the world’s largest industries.
【Update】Real Time
【Region】Asia Pacific / Europe / Middle East and Africa / North America / South and Central America
【Full Text】Reports (PDF) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF / Word / PPT
【Download Data】Excel / CSV / JSON / Tableau Workbook
【Download Charts】PNG / JPG / GIF / SVG
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】(Databases)
【Tutorials】 Conferences & Webinars / Tutorials / Podcast
Provide market and consumer data, forecasts, and studies.
Statista is one of the world’s leading business data platforms. It is convenient for numbers, data, and facts search on market forecasts, white paper studies, dossiers, and industry reports and so on.
【Language】English / ...
【Region】Worldwide / Asia / Europe / Americas / Africa / Australia & Oceania
【Full Access】(web platform) Reports / Surveys / News / Data
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF / PPT
【Download Data】XLS (basic) / CSV (custom)
【Download Charts】PNG
【Information Source】
【Information Coverage】
【Data Query】
【AI Function】
A platform providing the business intelligence, data analytics, and academic research.
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) provides the leading business intelligence, data analytics, and research platform to global institutions—enabling historical analysis and insight into the latest innovations in academic research. WRDS democratizes data access so that all disciplines — Accounting, Banking, Economics, ESG, Finance, Healthcare, Insurance, Marketing, and Statistics — can easily search for concepts across the data repository.
【Update】Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly / Annually / ...
【Region】North America / Asia / Global
【Provider】The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
【Full Access】(Queries) Data
【More Types】Tools / Videos
【Download Data】
【Data Coverage】Find Companies / Variables
( WRDS ) ▼
( Third Party ) ▼
【Data Query】Web Query Forms
【Analytics Tools】(by topics)
【Classroom Tools】(by topics)
【Learning Videos】(by topics)
【Research Help】
【Main Subjects】
Bring real-time data, unparalleled news and research, and powerful analytics on financial markets.
The Bloomberg Terminal brings together real-time data on every market, breaking news, in-depth research, powerful analytics, communications tools and world-class execution capabilities - in one fully integrated solution.
Launched in 1981, long before PCs and the internet became ubiquitous, the Bloomberg Terminal brought transparency to financial markets. More than three decades on, the Bloomberg Terminal remains at the cutting edge of innovation, delivering fast access to indispensable news, data and trading tools from any internet-connected PC or mobile device - and helping its subscribers turn knowledge into action.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Update】Real Time
【Region】North America / Latin America / Western Europe / Eastern Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia Pacific / Cross Region
【Provider】Bloomberg L.P.
【Full Access】(software) Data / Reports / News
【More Types】Charts / Tools / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel
【Export Charts】SVG
【Information Source】Exchanges / Government / Securities Companies / …
【Information Coverage】
【AI Function】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ...
【涵盖区域】北美 / 拉美 / 西欧 / 东欧 / 中东 / 非洲 / 亚太 / 跨地区
【开放访问】(软件) 数据 / 报告 / 新闻
【更多形式】图表 / 工具 / 视频
【信息来源】交易所 / 政府 / 证券公司 / ……
【AI 功能】
Free access to all digital publications of International Monetary Fund.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 190 countries, working to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its member countries. It does so by supporting economic policies that promote financial stability and monetary cooperation, which are essential to increase productivity, job creation, and economic well-being. Since January 1, 2020, all IMF digital publications are FREE. All users can have access to more than 21,000 publications and an archive that dates back to 1946.
国际货币基金组织 (IMF) 由190个成员国组成,致力于促进所有成员国实现可持续增长和繁荣。为此,IMF支持实施有助于金融稳定和货币合作的经济政策,这些政策对于提高生产力、创造就业和增进经济福祉至关重要。自2020年1月1日起,所有IMF数字出版物均可免费获取。所有用户都能访问超过21000份出版物,内容可追溯到1946年。
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1946 - current
【Full Text】(HTML) Reports / Working Papers / Books / News / Notes / ...
【Full Access】(web platform) Data / Online Courses
【More Types】Charts / Maps / Audio / Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】Excel / PDF / RTF / PPTX / HTML / MHT / EMF
【Export Charts】ELXS / PPTX / PDF / PNG
【Export Citations】Export a RIS / BIB / ENW file
【Information Source】IMF
【Publication Coverage】
【Data Coverage】
【Data Query】
【Online Courses】(macroeconomic analysis and policies)
【Tutorials】Video Tutorials
【Main Subjects】
【内容语言】英文 / 中文 / ……
【收录年限】1946年 - 至今
【全文浏览】(HTML) <部分中文> 报告 / 研究手稿 / 图书 / 新闻 / 研究笔记 / …
【开放访问】(在线平台) <英文> 数据 / 在线课程
【更多形式】图表 / 地图 / 音频 / 视频
【导出数据】Excel / PDF / RTF / PPTX / HTML / MHT / EMF
【导出图表】ELXS / PPTX / PDF / PNG
【导出引文】导出为 RIS / BIB / ENW 文件
Conducting and disseminating nonpartisan economic research.
Founded in 1920, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is a private, nonpartisan organization that facilitates cutting-edge investigation and analysis of major economic issues. It disseminates research findings to academics, public and private-sector decision-makers, and the public by posting more than 1,200 working papers and convening more than 120 scholarly conferences, each year.
【Date】1992 - current
【Provider】National Bureau of Economic Research
【Full Text】Working Papers (PDF) / Reports (HTML) / News (HTML)
【Full Access】Data (HTML) / Lectures (video / PDF) / Conferences
【Only Abstract】Books / Book Chapters
【More Types】Videos
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Export Data】CSV / PDF / DB / DAT / DOC / DTA
【Export Citations】Export a MARC / RIS / BibTex file
【Information Source】NBER
【Data Coverage】
【Learning Videos】(lectures)
【Main Subjects】
The central knowledge base of OECD expertise containing books, papers, statistics, and podcasts
OECD iLibrary contains thousands of e-books, chapters, tables and graphs, papers, articles, summaries, indicators, databases and now also Podcasts - discoverable by theme, country or content type. Every year around 500 new titles are published via OECD iLibrary.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. OECD publishes its recommendations, analysis and data on OECD iLibrary to help inform policy makers, researchers and analysts to implement the best possible responses in their countries.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】1996 - Current
【Provider】Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
【Full Text】(HTML / PDF / EPUB) Books / Book Chapters / Journals / Periodicals / Working Papers / Policy Papers
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【More Types】(MP3) Audios
【Download Full-Text】PDF
【Download Books】PDF / EPUB
【Export Data】CSV / XLS / PDF
【Export Citations】
【Data Source】OECD
【Data Coverage】
【Data Query】Web Search / Developer API
【Main Subjects】
World Bank's official open access repository
Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is the World Bank's official open access repository. It provides access to 34,000+ WBG publications, research outputs and knowledge products (no project documents) in PDF since the year 2000.
【Language】English / ...
【Date】(publications) 2000 - current
【Update】(data) Monthly
【Provider】World Bank
【Full Text】(PDF)
Reports / Books / Journals / Serial Publications / Technical Papers / Country Strategy Documents / Economic and Sector Work (ESW) Studies / Working Papers / Knowledge Notes / Speeches of World Bank Presidents / Multilingual Content
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【Information Coverage】
【Information Source】officially-recognized international sources
【Main Subjects】
Free and open access to global development data.
The World Bank provides free and open access to a comprehensive set of data about development in countries around the globe, together with other datasets cited in the data catalog.
【Language】English / Chinese / ...
【Date】1960 - current
【Provider】World Bank Group
【Retrieval Platform】DataBank / Microdata Library / Data Catalog
【Full Access】(web platform) Data
【Download Data】CSV / XML / EXCEL
【Data Source】Officially-recognized international sources
【Data Coverage】
【Main Subjects】
【内容语言】英语 / 中文 / ...
【收录年限】1960 - 至今
【检索平台】DataBank / Microdata Library / Data Catalog
【开放访问】(在线平台) 数据
【下载数据】CSV / XML / EXCEL